Red and white flower combination artfully arranged in glass vase. White stock, babies breath, red carnations, white daisies, red gerbera and mixed greens fill this vase. Standard size has one rose, deluxe size has 2 roses and premium size has 3 roses.
Flowers are the perfect way to say, “I love you!” They can showcase the feelings you have for that special someone in your life. Trust our expert designers to create something truly romantic and lovely for your significant other. We’ll make sure it’s something that signifies the true meaning of your love!
Bright bold sunflowers mixed with red roses, purple and orange accent flowers and lush foliage, artfully arranged in clear glass vase with a burlap bow.
This is a NO VASE INCLUDED: handheld red rose bouquet made to drop into your own vase you have at home. This bouquet contains 12 red roses, babies breath, mixed greenery wrapped and ties with a bow.
This is a NO VASE included; handheld bouquet of mixed bright colored spring flowers, made ready to drop into your own vase you already own. This bouquet comes wrapped and tied with a pretty bow.
2 gifts in one! Mixed flower arrangement designed in a 42 OZ Stanley Style travel cup. Each design has roses, carnations, daisy, mixed greenery and filler flowers. Available in different colors, enter color choices in the comment section of your order. Cup colors include, Pink, White, Purple ombre.
Fresh cut seasonal mix flowers wrapped into a handheld bouquet. This is a NO VASE INCLUDED: bouquet arranged by hand to drop into your own vase you have at home.
Red rose and white lily wrapped bouquet. This is a NO VASE INCLUDED: handheld bouquet designed to drop into your own vase you have at home. This bouquet is arranged with mixed greenery, babies breath, lilies, roses, wrapped and tied with a bow. standard size has 6 roses, deluxe size has 8 roses, premium size has 10 roses.
Rose Vase , Foliage: Leather Leaf, , Ivy , Eucalyptus, Red Roses.
Express your love with this magnificent display of roses!! When the message needs to be clear, send 24 beautiful premium, long stemmed red roses. These roses are the largest headed red roses available. Each is hand arranged with lush mixed greens, lots of babies breath and tied with a large bow.
This is a NO VASE INCLUDED: bouquet made to drop into your own vase you have at home. This handheld bouquet includes 6 red roses, white stock, mum, carnations, babies breath and mixed greens wrapped and tied with a bow.
This is a NO VASE INCLUDED bouquet designed to drop into your own vase at home. This bouquet included 6 red roses, babies breath, mixed greenery and is wrapped and tied with a bow.